DiZi Cont (member of the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber) is offeringassistance for the registration of companies, including:
Choosing the right corporate form;
Preparation of documents for the registration of companies, associations, company branches and representative offices, including offshore companies;
Making the necessary company entries and registrations in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation;
Providing an address of management and an address of correspondance with the NRA – free of charge;
Overseeing the process of VAT registration - free of charge;
Operational accounting in accordance with the active legislation. Intrastat, ЕОRI;
They provide services, related to the personnel, employment contracts, salaries, social insurances;
Customs documents and assistance in importing goods under Customs Tariff 42 (delayed payment of VAT);
VAT refund from the EU and in Bulgaria;
The company is looking for translators in Romanian and Italian.
You can contact DiZi Cont's team: +359895672510 whatsap, viber or write at: dizicont.acc@abv.bg.
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